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Oct 4, 2023
Reflections on Forgiveness
And forgiving those who hurt you (even when you don't want to).

Aug 16, 2023
#160823: Thoughts on the Medium
And the idea that most things in life exist in the middle-ground between high and low.

Sep 11, 2022
Revisiting an Old Conversation
When a simple question elicits a detailed answer that never sees the light of day. Until now, I guess.

May 3, 2022
A Non-American Perspective on Roe v Wade and Abortion
If you know a woman—love a woman, have sex with a woman—you should be seriously concerned with the Court's decision on Roe v Wade, too.

Mar 15, 2022
So You (Don't) Want To Be a Lawyer?
I’ve realised that I didn’t come to law school for myself. I came to law school to prove myself, and my intelligence, to others.

Mar 7, 2022
Can You Ever Stay Friends with an Ex?
But what would happen, if just this once, women chose not to remain friends with their exes. What if we weren't expected to be 'nice'?
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