Aug 16, 2023DISCUSSION#160823: Thoughts on the MediumAnd the idea that most things in life exist in the middle-ground between high and low.
Sep 11, 2022LIFERevisiting an Old Conversation When a simple question elicits a detailed answer that never sees the light of day. Until now, I guess.
May 3, 2022DISCUSSIONA Non-American Perspective on Roe v Wade and AbortionIf you know a woman—love a woman, have sex with a woman—you should be seriously concerned with the Court's decision on Roe v Wade, too.
Apr 23, 2022DISCUSSIONFeminising the (Legal) Framework: Law, the Patriarchy, and Anorexia As feminist scholar Beverley Clough argues, ‘courts have struggled to fully grasp the complexity of anorexia’.